Overview ERC20


Total Supply:
1,000,000,000,000.00 BOBAFETTA

Profile Summary
C-Chain (43114)

Txn Hash
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
10338830666.337955 BOBAFETTA
920 days 20 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
10338830666.337955 BOBAFETTA
920 days 20 hrs ago
1824499529.353757 BOBAFETTA
920 days 20 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
334245114441.4718 BOBAFETTA
926 days 3 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
334245114441.4718 BOBAFETTA
926 days 3 hrs ago
58984431960.25973 BOBAFETTA
926 days 3 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
275665968381.16583 BOBAFETTA
931 days 3 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
275665968381.16583 BOBAFETTA
931 days 3 hrs ago
48646935596.67632 BOBAFETTA
931 days 3 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
68916492095.29146 BOBAFETTA
931 days 3 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
68916492095.29146 BOBAFETTA
931 days 3 hrs ago
12161733899.16908 BOBAFETTA
931 days 3 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
54444559756.85788 BOBAFETTA
932 days 19 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
11151295371.886555 BOBAFETTA
932 days 19 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
85910183.6550216 BOBAFETTA
932 days 19 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
887738564.4352231 BOBAFETTA
932 days 19 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
4753696828.911195 BOBAFETTA
936 days 5 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
973648748.0902448 BOBAFETTA
936 days 5 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
252708427.76094761 BOBAFETTA
936 days 5 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
2611320420.1964583 BOBAFETTA
936 days 5 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
13983199669.4391 BOBAFETTA
938 days 2 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
2864028847.957406 BOBAFETTA
938 days 2 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
78855258.79548699 BOBAFETTA
938 days 2 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
814837674.2200322 BOBAFETTA
938 days 2 hrs ago
Swap Exact Tokens For AVAX Supporting Fee On Transfer Tokens
2925204581.5388646 BOBAFETTA
938 days 20 hrs ago