C-Chain (43114)


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'There is a legend which is spoken of in the West Honidlands. Every five months since the Yoniphant wars, the farmers of the Yahan plains put a horn on a little calf in order to appease the goddess of the river. The farmers would then sacrifice the calf and if they were in the Goddess good favour she would bring forward a Yonicorn. A majestic horned creature resembling a horse, its skin on fire it would walk trough the fields burning bad crops where the soil would then be fertile for many years to come. When the Yonicorn had finished its task it would decend once again into the waters and disolve to ashes.' Some Yonicorn parts are very valuable for crafting magic items and there is a way to hinder the Yonicorn from reentering the waters. There is a glitter on the surface of where the Yonicorn has emerged. If dirt is walled up around it but not close enough to disturbe the concentration of glitter. By sealing of that body of water and then filling it with sand you make a glitter grave, binding the Yonicorn to the land. Made with acrylics on cotton canvas, inspired by the Yoniverse. Read more on The physical piece is avaliable for additional shipping or burning for #proofofashes and is apx 20x25cm. If the buyer chooses to burn the piece it will be filemd and minted for them.
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