C-Chain (43114)

Mystic Huemans

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He was born into an average family. Being the youngest of 4 siblings, his parents got divorced when he was almost 3. His mother used to beat him, leave him hospitalized many times that police had to photograph the bruises on his body in 4th grade in the principals office at school. From the ages of 3 or 4 to about 7, He would occasionally wake up to her mother, standing over his bed crying in the middle of the night with a butcher knife. Her mother was struggling to go through with it, because it was the 80s and she didn't want a gay son, or was too concerned of what others would say about her. She was a tyrant, the father never remarried and was out of the picture a lot after the divorce. She forced him into straight conversion therapy at the age of 4, then with a deal with the councilor to relay all info he provided, was beaten after every session by her mother. His oldest brother found out what was happening and by force, had him removed from that systematic abuse. He was bullied in school, and at home, so his only out he could see was suicide. But then also felt that if he went through with it, then his mother would win. Because that seemed her ultimate goal anyway. In high school he found acting a way to not be himself to forget about life and the dysfunction for a while. He always used to journal so his dream was to write and star in his own movies, even wrote a play for the senior project to graduate high school about the tumultuous relationship he had with his mother. It took years for him to get her words and thoughts and views out of his head, and came to terms with himself that those were her opinions of him, not his own opinions of himself. That was his revelation, after struggling with suicide in high school, then substance abuse after, he realized he could have a future without her, without the negativity, without anyone filling his head with words or ideas that devalued and degraded him. He was, and still is, on a mission for a better life. Now at 40 yrs old, never thought he'd live to see 30, a full emancipation from those anchors of turmoil and depression, and currently couch surfing, but a better place to be in, looking to the future, and not dwelling on the past. Based on someone I know in real life. He stays mystical!
Motivated and Reliable
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