C-Chain (43114)

Mystic Huemans

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She was born into an average family. They were living in the capital at the time and both her parents were employees of the same bank. They worked half of the day and the other half mostly rested and took care of the household stuff. They raised her in a very disciplined manner since she was little and taught her how to take care of her herself. Her parents bought a camera which was one of the best models back then when she turned 15 as a birthday present. She was taking photos of the plants they had, her parents, and their dog and she started to show an interest in photography a lot. By the time she entered college and thought about what she wanted to study, she chose Photography. The college she got accepted to, was in another major city so she had to move but her parents couldn't get transferred by the bank. For the first time in her life, she was about to leave her parents behind and live alone. She started looking for a job and found a group of artists and photographers. She was a beautiful young lady, so she accepted to work as a model for them. After a month of working with them, the person she worked for called her up for another photo shoot. Being later than the usual time, she suspected something might be up so she grabbed her pepper spray and went in. When she entered she found out only her boss was there. After they were done with work, he insisted to take her out for some drinks and have a chat and tried to kiss her and force her into intercourse. She immediately reached for the spray and got out of there. She called the police on him and found out there were other girls that fell victim to him. She found herself lucky that her parents always told her to watch out for these stuff in big cities. Many years are passed now, She is part of a group of females who travel to different countries to take photographs of people, historical places, and nature. She is pretty happy with her life and still hasn't settled down. Based on someone I've known in real life. She stays mystical.
Ambitious & Independant
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