C-Chain (43114)
Xung came on the Lost Island with a little boat. He wasn't planning to stay for long, therefor Xung found himself a cosy little hut to stay just for a couple of nights.
On the mid-night of the 45th day, he was walking on his own in the Jungle Of Consciousness, while he stumbled upon a big totem. As he got closer to it, he started to notice some engravings. When he was thinking about the similarities with the Haida art, his hand unwillingly touched the Totem. This triggered a series of events.
First, the eyes of the Totem suddenly opened. Right after that a loud siren like sound filled the night. With that sound, his head got loose and began to rise into the air like an old serpent. Xung wanted to scream. He couldn't. He did not know how to control nor fight it, so he decided to let it go... and right there and then the sound stopped.
Xung was dead. Xung was alive. Xung was black. Xung was white. Xung was old. Xung was young. And he lived in peace forever more...