Stick(wo)MEN #
C-Chain (43114)


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O /|\ / \ Stick(wo)MEN - Which one is your favourite? Or what is your level? Hi, I’m “Mini”. Nice to meet you. The artist has used a minimum amount of shapes and lines to create me. I’m not perfect yet, but perfect isn’t always the best. You can see that he used round shapes. And like my sister Peanut, I have an hourglass figure. That makes me so feminine. I have passed puberty cause from that moment on, I started to have 2 extra circles on my body. And don't forget my hips! I’m proud of them. Many believe it’s a symbol of beauty to have such curves. I know some are jealous of not having them. I might not be the prettiest of them all, but it’s the inside that counts right. Look, I’m really starting to be grounded. My legs have a bit more volume. And that was done with only one curved line connected to both my feet. My face reflects how I feel about myself. That's the most important thing anyway. This is the -NFT- of a digital and genuine artwork by Cédric Debled. Hand-drawn in Procreate. 4268 × 4268 pixels.
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