C-Chain (43114)
Hey there Soupsters!
As loyal and valued collectors of ArtSoup, we want to extend our appreciation to you by offering a whole range of exclusive benefits that are designed to make your experience even more enjoyable and rewarding.
As a Soupster, you now have access to a range of perks, including;
- Alpha reveal of soups before the rounds are minted,
- Reserving preferred soups before listing,
- The alpha for all news and updates of ArtSoup,
- 20% Discount on all art prints on
Soupster Rewards:
- Soupster NFT for all Soupsters,
- Soup Whale NFT for 5+ Soup holders,
- 1 ArtSoup Airdrop* for 10+ Soup holders,
- 2 ArtSoup Airdrop* for 25+ Soup holders,
- 3 ArtSoup Airdrop* to 50+ Soup holders.
*Airdrop ArtSoup will be selected random.
Also, please feel free to browse through our Discord and check out irl-art-projects and nft-projects for latest news from our artists; partnership-requests if you want us to hook you up with an ArtSoup artist.
It's a true pleasure having you here, please enjoy :isoupyou: